

您可以使用 t.procedure.use() 方法将中间件添加到过程。中间件将包装过程的调用,并且必须通过其返回值。


在下面的示例中,任何对 adminProcedure 的调用都将确保用户在执行之前是“管理员”。

import { TRPCError, initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
interface Context {
user?: {
id: string;
isAdmin: boolean;
// [..]
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure;
export const router = t.router;
export const adminProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async (opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
if (!ctx.user?.isAdmin) {
throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
return opts.next({
ctx: {
user: ctx.user,
import { TRPCError, initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
interface Context {
user?: {
id: string;
isAdmin: boolean;
// [..]
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure;
export const router = t.router;
export const adminProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async (opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
if (!ctx.user?.isAdmin) {
throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
return opts.next({
ctx: {
user: ctx.user,
import { adminProcedure, publicProcedure, router } from './trpc';
const adminRouter = router({
secretPlace: adminProcedure.query(() => 'a key'),
export const appRouter = router({
foo: publicProcedure.query(() => 'bar'),
admin: adminRouter,
import { adminProcedure, publicProcedure, router } from './trpc';
const adminRouter = router({
secretPlace: adminProcedure.query(() => 'a key'),
export const appRouter = router({
foo: publicProcedure.query(() => 'bar'),
admin: adminRouter,

查看 错误处理 了解有关上述示例中抛出的 TRPCError 的更多信息。



export const loggedProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async (opts) => {
const start = Date.now();
const result = await opts.next();
const durationMs = Date.now() - start;
const meta = { path: opts.path, type: opts.type, durationMs };
? console.log('OK request timing:', meta)
: console.error('Non-OK request timing', meta);
return result;
export const loggedProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async (opts) => {
const start = Date.now();
const result = await opts.next();
const durationMs = Date.now() - start;
const meta = { path: opts.path, type: opts.type, durationMs };
? console.log('OK request timing:', meta)
: console.error('Non-OK request timing', meta);
return result;
import { loggedProcedure, router } from './trpc';
export const appRouter = router({
foo: loggedProcedure.query(() => 'bar'),
abc: loggedProcedure.query(() => 'def'),
import { loggedProcedure, router } from './trpc';
export const appRouter = router({
foo: loggedProcedure.query(() => 'bar'),
abc: loggedProcedure.query(() => 'def'),




type Context = {
// user is nullable
user?: {
id: string;
const protectedProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async function isAuthed(opts) {
const { ctx } = opts;
// `ctx.user` is nullable
if (!ctx.user) {
(property) user: { id: string; } | undefined
throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
return opts.next({
ctx: {
// ✅ user value is known to be non-null now
user: ctx.user,
(property) user: { id: string; }
protectedProcedure.query(({ ctx }) => ctx.user);
(property) user: { id: string; }
type Context = {
// user is nullable
user?: {
id: string;
const protectedProcedure = publicProcedure.use(async function isAuthed(opts) {
const { ctx } = opts;
// `ctx.user` is nullable
if (!ctx.user) {
(property) user: { id: string; } | undefined
throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
return opts.next({
ctx: {
// ✅ user value is known to be non-null now
user: ctx.user,
(property) user: { id: string; }
protectedProcedure.query(({ ctx }) => ctx.user);
(property) user: { id: string; }

使用 .concat() 创建可重用中间件和插件


我们将其作为 unstable_ 前缀,因为它是一个新的 API,但您可以安全地使用它! 了解更多.

  • 使用 t.middleware 创建中间件的限制是 Context 类型绑定到 tRPC 实例的 Context 类型。
  • 使用 experimental_standaloneMiddleware() 创建中间件的限制是您无法定义与模块绑定的输入解析器等。

tRPC 具有一个名为 .concat() 的 API,它允许您独立定义一个部分过程,该过程可用于与任何与插件的上下文和元数据匹配的 tRPC 实例一起使用。

此助手主要针对使用 tRPC 创建插件和库。

// ------------------------------------------------
// 🧩🧩🧩 a library creating a reusable plugin 🧩🧩🧩
// @filename: myPlugin.ts
import { initTRPC, TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
export function createMyPlugin() {
// When creating a plugin for tRPC, you use the same API as creating any other tRPC-app
// this is the plugin's root `t`-object
const t = initTRPC
// the procedure using the plugin will need to extend this context
// the base `initTRPC`-object of the application using this needs to extend this meta
return {
// you can also add `.input()` if you want your plugin to do input validation
pluginProc: t.procedure.use((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: {
fromPlugin: 'hello from myPlugin' as const,
// ------------------------------------
// 🚀🚀🚀 the app using the plugin 🚀🚀🚀
// @filename: app.ts
import { createMyPlugin } from './myPlugin';
import { initTRPC, TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
// the app's root `t`-object
const t = initTRPC
// ...
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure;
export const router = t.router;
// initialize the plugin (a real-world example would likely take options here)
const plugin = createMyPlugin();
// create a base procedure using the plugin
const procedureWithPlugin = publicProcedure
.use(opts => {
const { ctx } = opts;
const ctx: { fromPlugin: "hello from myPlugin"; }
return opts.next()
export const appRouter = router({
hello: procedureWithPlugin.query(opts => {
return opts.ctx.fromPlugin;
// ------------------------------------------------
// 🧩🧩🧩 a library creating a reusable plugin 🧩🧩🧩
// @filename: myPlugin.ts
import { initTRPC, TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
export function createMyPlugin() {
// When creating a plugin for tRPC, you use the same API as creating any other tRPC-app
// this is the plugin's root `t`-object
const t = initTRPC
// the procedure using the plugin will need to extend this context
// the base `initTRPC`-object of the application using this needs to extend this meta
return {
// you can also add `.input()` if you want your plugin to do input validation
pluginProc: t.procedure.use((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: {
fromPlugin: 'hello from myPlugin' as const,
// ------------------------------------
// 🚀🚀🚀 the app using the plugin 🚀🚀🚀
// @filename: app.ts
import { createMyPlugin } from './myPlugin';
import { initTRPC, TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
// the app's root `t`-object
const t = initTRPC
// ...
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure;
export const router = t.router;
// initialize the plugin (a real-world example would likely take options here)
const plugin = createMyPlugin();
// create a base procedure using the plugin
const procedureWithPlugin = publicProcedure
.use(opts => {
const { ctx } = opts;
const ctx: { fromPlugin: "hello from myPlugin"; }
return opts.next()
export const appRouter = router({
hello: procedureWithPlugin.query(opts => {
return opts.ctx.fromPlugin;



我们将其作为 unstable_ 前缀,因为它是一个新的 API,但您可以安全地使用它! 了解更多.

我们有一个强大的功能称为 .pipe(),它允许您以类型安全的方式扩展中间件。

下面我们有一个扩展基本中间件 (foo) 的中间件示例。与上面的上下文扩展示例一样,管道中间件将更改上下文的属性,并且过程将接收新的上下文值。

const fooMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: {
foo: 'foo' as const,
const barMiddleware = fooMiddleware.unstable_pipe((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
(property) foo: "foo"
return opts.next({
ctx: {
bar: 'bar' as const,
const barProcedure = publicProcedure.use(barMiddleware);
barProcedure.query(({ ctx }) => ctx.bar);
(parameter) ctx: { foo: "foo"; bar: "bar"; }
const fooMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: {
foo: 'foo' as const,
const barMiddleware = fooMiddleware.unstable_pipe((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
(property) foo: "foo"
return opts.next({
ctx: {
bar: 'bar' as const,
const barProcedure = publicProcedure.use(barMiddleware);
barProcedure.query(({ ctx }) => ctx.bar);
(parameter) ctx: { foo: "foo"; bar: "bar"; }

请注意,管道中间件的顺序很重要,并且上下文必须重叠。下面显示了一个禁止管道的示例。在这里,fooMiddleware 覆盖了 ctx.a,而 barMiddleware 仍然期望来自 initTRPC 中初始化的根上下文 - 因此将 fooMiddlewarebarMiddleware 管道连接将不起作用,而将 barMiddlewarefooMiddleware 管道连接则可以工作。

import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
const t = initTRPC
a: {
b: 'a';
const fooMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
ctx.a; // 👈 fooMiddleware expects `ctx.a` to be an object
(property) a: { b: 'a'; }
return opts.next({
ctx: {
a: 'a' as const, // 👈 `ctx.a` is no longer an object
const barMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
ctx.a; // 👈 barMiddleware expects `ctx.a` to be an object
(property) a: { b: 'a'; }
return opts.next({
ctx: {
foo: 'foo' as const,
// ❌ `ctx.a` does not overlap from `fooMiddleware` to `barMiddleware`
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { a: "a"; }, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.a' are incompatible between these types. Type '{ b: "a"; }' is not assignable to type '"a"'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { a: "a"; }, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.a' are incompatible between these types. Type '{ b: "a"; }' is not assignable to type '"a"'.
// ✅ `ctx.a` overlaps from `barMiddleware` and `fooMiddleware`
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
const t = initTRPC
a: {
b: 'a';
const fooMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
ctx.a; // 👈 fooMiddleware expects `ctx.a` to be an object
(property) a: { b: 'a'; }
return opts.next({
ctx: {
a: 'a' as const, // 👈 `ctx.a` is no longer an object
const barMiddleware = t.middleware((opts) => {
const { ctx } = opts;
ctx.a; // 👈 barMiddleware expects `ctx.a` to be an object
(property) a: { b: 'a'; }
return opts.next({
ctx: {
foo: 'foo' as const,
// ❌ `ctx.a` does not overlap from `fooMiddleware` to `barMiddleware`
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { a: "a"; }, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.a' are incompatible between these types. Type '{ b: "a"; }' is not assignable to type '"a"'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { a: "a"; }, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, unknown>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, unknown>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }, object, any, unknown>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: "a"; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ a: { b: "a"; }; }, object, { foo: "foo"; }, any, unknown>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { a: { b: "a"; }; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { a: "a"; foo: "foo"; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: unknown; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { (): Promise<MiddlewareResult<{ foo: "foo"; }>>; <$ContextOverride>(opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; (opts: { ...; }): Promise<...>; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.a' are incompatible between these types. Type '{ b: "a"; }' is not assignable to type '"a"'.
// ✅ `ctx.a` overlaps from `barMiddleware` and `fooMiddleware`



此功能已弃用,取而代之的是 .unstable_concat()

tRPC 具有一个实验性 API,称为 experimental_standaloneMiddleware,它允许您独立定义一个可用于任何 tRPC 实例的中间件。使用 t.middleware 创建中间件的限制是 Context 类型绑定到 tRPC 实例的 Context 类型。这意味着您无法在具有不同 Context 类型的多个 tRPC 实例中使用相同的中间件。

使用 experimental_standaloneMiddleware,您可以创建一个明确定义其要求的中间件,即上下文、输入和元数据类型

import {
} from '@trpc/server';
import * as z from 'zod';
const projectAccessMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
ctx: { allowedProjects: string[] }; // defaults to 'object' if not defined
input: { projectId: string }; // defaults to 'unknown' if not defined
// 'meta', not defined here, defaults to 'object | undefined'
}>().create((opts) => {
if (!opts.ctx.allowedProjects.includes(opts.input.projectId)) {
throw new TRPCError({
code: 'FORBIDDEN',
message: 'Not allowed',
return opts.next();
const t1 = initTRPC
allowedProjects: string[];
// ✅ `ctx.allowedProjects` satisfies "string[]" and `input.projectId` satisfies "string"
const accessControlledProcedure = t1.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.string() }))
// ❌ `ctx.allowedProjects` satisfies "string[]" but `input.projectId` does not satisfy "string"
const accessControlledProcedure2 = t1.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.number() }))
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: number; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. Types of property 'input' are incompatible. Type '{ projectId: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ projectId: number; }'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: number; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. Types of property 'input' are incompatible. Type '{ projectId: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ projectId: number; }'.
// ❌ `ctx.allowedProjects` does not satisfy "string[]" even though `input.projectId` satisfies "string"
const t2 = initTRPC
allowedProjects: number[];
const accessControlledProcedure3 = t2.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.string() }))
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: number[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.allowedProjects' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'number[]'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: number[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.allowedProjects' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'number[]'.
import {
} from '@trpc/server';
import * as z from 'zod';
const projectAccessMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
ctx: { allowedProjects: string[] }; // defaults to 'object' if not defined
input: { projectId: string }; // defaults to 'unknown' if not defined
// 'meta', not defined here, defaults to 'object | undefined'
}>().create((opts) => {
if (!opts.ctx.allowedProjects.includes(opts.input.projectId)) {
throw new TRPCError({
code: 'FORBIDDEN',
message: 'Not allowed',
return opts.next();
const t1 = initTRPC
allowedProjects: string[];
// ✅ `ctx.allowedProjects` satisfies "string[]" and `input.projectId` satisfies "string"
const accessControlledProcedure = t1.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.string() }))
// ❌ `ctx.allowedProjects` satisfies "string[]" but `input.projectId` does not satisfy "string"
const accessControlledProcedure2 = t1.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.number() }))
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: number; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. Types of property 'input' are incompatible. Type '{ projectId: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ projectId: number; }'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: number; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: number; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. Types of property 'input' are incompatible. Type '{ projectId: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ projectId: number; }'.
// ❌ `ctx.allowedProjects` does not satisfy "string[]" even though `input.projectId` satisfies "string"
const t2 = initTRPC
allowedProjects: number[];
const accessControlledProcedure3 = t2.procedure
.input(z.object({ projectId: z.string() }))
Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: number[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.allowedProjects' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'number[]'.2345Argument of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of property 'unstable_pipe' are incompatible. Type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>' is not assignable to type '<$ContextOverridesOut>(fn: MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, $ContextOverridesOut, { ...; }>) => MiddlewareBuilder<...>'. Types of parameters 'fn' and 'fn' are incompatible. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }> | MiddlewareBuilder<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: number[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>' is not assignable to type 'MiddlewareFunction<{ allowedProjects: string[]; }, object, object, any, { projectId: string; }>'. Types of parameters 'opts' and 'opts' are incompatible. Type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: string[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ ctx: { allowedProjects: number[]; }; type: "query" | "mutation" | "subscription"; path: string; input: { projectId: string; }; getRawInput: GetRawInputFn; meta: object | undefined; next: { ...; }; }'. The types of 'ctx.allowedProjects' are incompatible between these types. Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'number[]'.


import { experimental_standaloneMiddleware, initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
import * as z from 'zod';
const t = initTRPC.create();
const schemaA = z.object({ valueA: z.string() });
const schemaB = z.object({ valueB: z.string() });
const valueAUppercaserMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
input: z.infer<typeof schemaA>;
}>().create((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: { valueAUppercase: opts.input.valueA.toUpperCase() },
const valueBUppercaserMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
input: z.infer<typeof schemaB>;
}>().create((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: { valueBUppercase: opts.input.valueB.toUpperCase() },
const combinedInputThatSatisfiesBothMiddlewares = z.object({
valueA: z.string(),
valueB: z.string(),
extraProp: z.string(),
input: { valueA, valueB, extraProp },
ctx: { valueAUppercase, valueBUppercase },
}) =>
`valueA: ${valueA}, valueB: ${valueB}, extraProp: ${extraProp}, valueAUppercase: ${valueAUppercase}, valueBUppercase: ${valueBUppercase}`,
import { experimental_standaloneMiddleware, initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
import * as z from 'zod';
const t = initTRPC.create();
const schemaA = z.object({ valueA: z.string() });
const schemaB = z.object({ valueB: z.string() });
const valueAUppercaserMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
input: z.infer<typeof schemaA>;
}>().create((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: { valueAUppercase: opts.input.valueA.toUpperCase() },
const valueBUppercaserMiddleware = experimental_standaloneMiddleware<{
input: z.infer<typeof schemaB>;
}>().create((opts) => {
return opts.next({
ctx: { valueBUppercase: opts.input.valueB.toUpperCase() },
const combinedInputThatSatisfiesBothMiddlewares = z.object({
valueA: z.string(),
valueB: z.string(),
extraProp: z.string(),
input: { valueA, valueB, extraProp },
ctx: { valueAUppercase, valueBUppercase },
}) =>
`valueA: ${valueA}, valueB: ${valueB}, extraProp: ${extraProp}, valueAUppercase: ${valueAUppercase}, valueBUppercase: ${valueBUppercase}`,